On Feb. 29th, Bailey and I went out to get a latte at Starbucks. Well a latte for me, just a ride in the car for her. There was a Rite Aid in the shopping center where the Starbucks was, so I thought I'd run in and grab a pregnancy test. I'd been feeling really tired...which I had been attributing to having an infant...but I had also been starving and craving meat! Very odd. Anywho...I thought it was nothing and figured this would put my mind at ease.
We got home, I put Bailey down for her nap and I took the test. I glanced at it as I was setting it down and starting the timer and sure enough it was already a positive. I figured the results couldn't be accurate. I still had to wait the 3 minutes, surely it would change then. After what seemed like forever, I went back to check the test and what do you know, the line was still there. Hmm...
Utterly in shock at this point, I figured something must have been wrong with the test. So after Bailey's nap, we went to Target to purchase some more. Two more positive tests later I started believing there might be something to this.
That evening when Thunder got home, I told him there was something for him in the bathroom. Somewhat confused, he wandered in there. From what I remember, he just laughed. He apparently believed the 3 tests.
Funny enough, we had scheduled an appointment with our midwife on Feb. 28th for the following Wednesday, March 5th. It was actually an appointment to catch up and for her to see Bailey, it'd been about 5 months since the last time we saw her. It turned out we might be needing the appointment for other reasons.
Wednesday finally arrived and we were off to see our midwife. As we walked in she made a comment about how she was so excited for the next time we got pregnant. We just kind of looked at her and said that it might be happening sooner than later. She was ecstatic.
We had our first official prenatal exam for baby #2. They felt my uterus and were a little surprised at what they were feeling. She then decided to try the doppler to see if we could hear the heartbeat. If it was too early we wouldn't be able to. I swear the doppler had barely touched my belly before we heard a loud thump, thump, thump. That meant we were at least 11 weeks along. There was definitely no denying it now. I was pregnant! Her guess after feeling my uterus was at least 3 months even 3 and a half. So according to her we were having this baby in September, possibly August, but definitely not in October. That definitely added to the shock I was feeling. I had been pregnant for months and didn't even know!
Oddly enough, I had scheduled an exam with my OB for March 21st. They asked me when I called if it was for a new pregnancy...unaware at the time I said no, it was just an exam for me. I called them after our midwife appointment to tell them it turned out it was for a new pregnancy. Since we had no idea when I got pregnant, they were going to do an ultrasound then to get a more accurate due date.
March 21st finally rolled around and we headed to the doctor's appointment. Thunder came with me to help with Bailey and because he really wanted to see the ultrasound. After filling out some forms and talking to the doctor, we went into the ultrasound room. It was amazing...there was a baby in my belly. He took some measurements and gave me a due date of August 13th! I was 19 weeks and 2 days along! Four and a half months! I was shocked to say the least. The doctor asked if we wanted to find out the sex of the baby....we had been talking about it for a while trying to decide. We didn't find out with Bailey figuring it'd be exciting to find out at her birth. There had been so many surprises with this baby as it was, we decided it'd be nice to know something. Unfortunately the baby wasn't cooperating at the ultrasound. We finally got a small glimpse, but the doctor decided it wasn't enough to make a call. We'll find out at our next appointment scheduled for April 11th.
So it turns out I'm pregnant. We definitely wanted another baby and are really happy and excited for the arrival of this little one. It was just all so shocking to me for some reason. I'm still in somewhat disbelief. I think it will all become more real when I actually have a belly. I started feeling the baby move a couple of days after I took the first test. Thinking back, I may have felt something before that. Of course looking back, there were all kinds of "signs" that I always attributed to something else. It's funny how we do that.
We can't wait to meet you little one.
Mama, Daddy, and your big sister Bailey