Thursday, March 27, 2008
nine in, nine out
Hi Bailey,
You're 9 months old today! I can't believe it. It's all gone by so fast. Before we know it you'll be running all over the place...seems like just yesterday I was carrying you EVERYWHERE in the sling. You sure loved that thing. I can hardly keep you in any carrier now. You love being in my arms so you can see out. I think that's why you like the stroller so much. Of course I should make it clear that you only like the regular stroller and not the jogging stroller. I'm not sure what it is, but you get very angry if you're in the jogger for too long....and by too long I mean more than 15 minutes. We hadn't tried it in a while, so today I thought we'd give it another shot...mostly because it's much easier to maneuver in our neighborhood. Sure enough, you had a fit. I guess we'll have to wait and see if you grow into it.
On another note. You have all of a sudden become quite the dancer. It started out that you would only do it when you heard the music from one of your toys. Then it was when you heard music. Now you just do it all the or not. It's awesome. Unfortunately I think you've inherited your father's dancing can complain to him later.
Your interest in food this month has skyrocketed. You've always been a pretty good eater. I was actually surprised that it was so easy to introduce you to solids at 6 months. I guess you were just ready. You'd been doing really well...eating at least one meal a day. This month though, it seems like you're alway starving. I don't know how you're little tummy can handle so much food. You eat three big meals a day. And still nurse all the time. The funny thing is that you're not really gaining that much're just getting taller. The doctor had mentioned you were tall for your age...I guess I don't notice because I see you everyday.
Speaking had your first doctor's appointment this month. I was pleasantly surprised with how well it went. You were totally fine as long as you were sitting on my lap. Luckily the doctor did most of the exam that way. And it turns out you're healthy in every which way. Yay! Maybe we're doing something right after all.
We bought you a sippy cup several weeks ago. You knew exactly what to do with it the minute I helped you put it in your mouth. Of course you weren't too fond of the water in it initially. You've grown to like it though and actually prefer water to any kind of juice we've tried. Apple, pear, prune. They're all gross according to you. The other day you were taking a drink out of your sippy cup and then offered me some. It was so neat that you wanted to share with me. Of course now you want me to try everything...your toys, food, whatever it is you put in your mouth.
We started signing with you this month. You still haven't signed back, but I'm sure that will come soon enough. In the meantime, daddy and I are learning all of the signs. Pretty soon we'll be having conversations! I can't wait!
Well I know I've been lagging in these posts for you....we've just been keeping ourselves so busy. This Saturday we take you to your first swim lesson! I'm so excited!
I love you so much baby,
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