Hi Bailey.
You turned 10 months a couple of days ago. 10 whole months.....
It seems like you've suddenly grown up. You're a pro at drinking from your sippy cup, eating foods that aren't blended anymore, and even eating cereal (Perky O's....kind of like Cheerios) all on your own. Before I know it, you'll be driving and going to prom...well maybe not that soon.
Anywho. We introduced some new foods into your diet this month...and luckily, you haven't had a problem with anything we've given you yet. You love yogurt and have that almost every morning. You've also tried jack cheese, cottage cheese and a several new fruits and vegetables. Strawberries, broccoli, garbanzo beans to name a few.
We also introduced formula to you this month.... This was a very hard decision for me to make. I struggled for quite a while trying to make nursing work for us, but after a lot of pain for me and anger from you, we decided that it might be best to try it. You took to it right away and are a much happier baby for it. I guess you were just hungry this whole time...and here we thought you were just a cranky baby.
You've never been a great day sleeper....but this month you're all of a sudden napping...and on a schedule! It's crazy. Not only that, but you're also sleeping through the night. We put you down at 6 and you don't wake up until 530 or 6 the next day. And you've been digging you're crib. Seems like we can leave you in there at least half an hour after you wake up....you just play or talk to your stuffed animals. (I know because we set up a webcam to check on you.)
You're a lot more interested in walking places now. I try to carry you and instead you grab my hands, trying to slide down me so you can walk. You're also really good at walking along furniture and even going from one piece of furniture to another...if it's close enough.
We are still taking you to swim lessons. You are doing so well and love being in the water. You're still not quite sure of your teacher and occasionally get upset when she carries you...but you're getting better.
You'd been waving hi for a while, but I don't think you really knew what it was or when to do it. Now you do it at the right time, all on your own! The other day, we were walking and you purposely let go with one hand so you could wave hi to the people in the car driving by. It was awesome!
You've become really good at playing on your own. You sit in front of your closet doors (that have mirrors) and just watch yourself throw things and pick them up. Or you just stand there and talk to yourself. It's quite entertaining for me...and you of course! You are also really into books. You love when we read to you and like to help us turn the pages. We've even started reading to you before you go to bed every night.
We're still working on signing with you. You've picked up a couple of signs...you're favorite being "all done." You're also starting to do "more," although it's more of clap right now. We've seen you sign milk, but it always seems to be at random times...I think you're way too excited when you actually want milk to sign it. And actually, sometimes you just do all the signs you know at once.
You are still quite the talker. You babble away all day. And actually it's more than babble now... You can say "dada," "mama," and a word that sounds like doggie....which you say everytime you see any dog! And actually you can sign "dog" too!
It's amazing to see you do all these things...like an actual little person. You are becoming such a big girl!
Well I should wrap this up before you wake up from your morning nap.
I love you sweetie.
edited to add: I forgot to mention that you finally got your first tooth. You've been teething since you were about 3 months and it just now broke through. You can kind of see one coming in next to it too! Oh and also....you started pointing at things and point at everything now. And you like to clap when we say "yay" or "bravo."